If you’re moving to the area with kids, we understand that childcare can be an extremely important (and sometimes nerve-wracking) consideration. Williams County is where you can find larger centers with more flexibility as well as cozy home daycares for your little tykes to learn, play and explore. There are a variety of preschools and after school programs (check with your school district for more info)! Concerned about the cost of childcare? Keep scrolling to find information about financial assistance programs to save more of your hard-earned dough!
Childcare spots fill fast, and many providers have waiting lists. Contact providers early and often to schedule a phone call or visit or get on their list. You may need to get on the list right away, even if you won’t be moving for a while.
Quick Tip: If using the online childcare finder, select "Login as Guest" to easily start your search. Can't find what you're looking for? Call (800) 997-8515 or email for 1-on-1 assistance with finding the right program for you.