Where the Middle of Nowhere Meets the Middle of Everything
Everything You Need - And More!
Although our history includes pioneers homesteading on the prairie, you certainly won’t be “roughing it” in Williams County. All the modern essentials are available to keep you and your family connected, safe, and healthy.
Did you know North Dakota is in the top 10 states for internet coverage, speed, and availability? This is even true for most of our rural areas, which have fiber connections directly to the home and see speeds faster than those in many large metropolitan areas. Whether you need high-speed internet to work from home, video chat with loved ones, or shop online, connectivity will keep you literally and figuratively in the middle of everything that matters to you.
Speaking of staying connected, there are so many community organizations to connect with new friends (in person!) in Williams County. Your day-to-day resources for living in Williams County can be found here – from the wide variety of places of worship to healthcare options and necessities like utilities. Check out our Newcomer 101 for even more resources.
Images: Header: winter at Epping/Springbrook Dam; right: planting flowers in downtown Ray (cr. Ray Chamber of Commerce)